Monday, September 6, 2010

3 ways to be a better team player

Being a team is more than just sharing a name or a look, it is about working togather, here are 3 simple ways you can work togather with you unit mates better.

#1. Communicate.
 Communication it paramount to a team working togather, without it, there is no team, just a unified group. Communicating on opposing units maneuvers such as a flank or pointing out a week point in you own line can prove incredibly beneficial, as often only one member of a unit sees something different. But don't neglect the lesser communication ether, verbally calling shots you take (or death) for example is not only courteous communication for your opponent but helpful your your team mates as well to know your status.

#2. Don't be a lone ranger.
You are on a team for a reason, and wile there are some situation that may call for fighting one on one, you should always attempt to fight with your team. If your team gets split up, you are in serious trouble. Place your teams survival above your personal kills score. Double teem your opponents, don't fight one on one, or one on three.

#3. Always seek the advantage
This one ties right in to #2. There is no such thing as a fair fight, if you think that your match up is fair, you are at a disadvantage. Always make sure you are at an advantage if posable, if not, avoid the engagement.

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