Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Marketing with the Hobbit!



I had forgotten that the first Hobbit trailer was going to be released yesterday. Over the next 2-3 year tens (if not hundreds) of millions of dollars will be spent marketing these two films. An opportunity like this has not presented itself since the Lord of the Rings trilogy was in theatres. Movie series like this present unprecedented opportunity for massive growth of foam fighting organization and groups. We as a community need to work together to harness the marketing $$$ of this movie and point it toward us and what we have to offer the world. During the LOTR craze a few organizations like Dagorhir understood this and benefited massively from their simple attempts. I am a firm believer that if we as a community work together a little effort like that across the board will be multiplied massively. But why stop at a little effort? Lets take this opportunity seriously like the once in a lifetime chance it is and work together! Lets start with some brainstorming people!

Motivational Retreat


Reteat, sometimes it's a good idea.

Sorry for my lack of posting lately I have been a bit busy filming my first feature film. No its not medieval and doesn't have anything to do with foam unfortunately. Its a scifi. I hope you all can forgive me and I will try to find some new content to post from time to time (if you have any content tips or ideas please let me know!)