Friday, September 24, 2010

How to beat a shield in 7 seconds (vid)


Watch carefully, this two handed sword wielder takes out a shield man in less than 7 seconds flat. What were you saying about your skills again? :p  Click "Read more »" for videos

Monday, September 20, 2010

Amazing Fights (vids)


These are two of my favorite battling videos of all time, combining, some solid action, good skill, and decent videography and editing. Priceless. Click "Read more »" for videos

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Are Amtgard players terrorists?


The G20 was held downtown Toronto this year with all the standard G8 fan fair. The full time protesters that tour around following the big event, smashing windows and lighting fires (Canadian border "what is the purpose of your visit?" Protester "To smash a few windows, maybe burn a local shop to the ground", Canadian border "Welcome to Canada, enjoy your stay") and of corse the standard "more impressive than the last countries security" riot police. All in all it was a pretty normal G20.
But then the media demanded their standard "what the security overzealous?" questions, and the police brought forth a plethora of confiscated weaponry, machetes, crossbows and other dangerous weapons.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

25min to better spear fighting


Grumio's Spear Fighting tutorials are a fantastic resource for anyone who wants to improve or gain some spear fighting skills. In 4 videos he covers a lot of practical stuff, as well as tactics, tips and tricks.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

3 ways to be a better team player


Being a team is more than just sharing a name or a look, it is about working togather, here are 3 simple ways you can work togather with you unit mates better.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Are new low profile spears safe?


Low-profile spears, the latest trend in foam tech, are becoming more and more popular. The new pear type is proving very effective, and thus gaining popularity very quickly. The week long summer Belegarth event Chaos Wars saw a large amount of these new spears on the field this year.