Monday, December 6, 2010

Tips for support/specialized fighters

Support and Specialized fighters are the the real killers. Support units will have tough time if they try and go it alone, but when working in collaboration with a front line fighter they can be a devastating force. Spear, glaive, red sword, jav, bow, rocks, supper light (Florentine), etc. all perform a specialized function and work best when cooperating with one or more primary or front line fighters (eg. sword and board). Here a are a few tips for Tips for support and specialized fighters.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Foam Fighting on local news [vids]


Local Foam Fighting organizations often go to great lengths to get local TV coverage by their local news stations and result in some great series being told, but often the the stories don't ever get heard beyond the local community watching that night and then is forgotten. I wanted to share some of these peaces with you all. Here are 4 local news spots featuring local foam fighting!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

4 tips to a stronger front line

Sword/flail and a medium or large shilled are what ideally make up this part of an army, but occasionally smaller shields, and duel wielding fighters will fit in to the category of Front Line fighter. Here are 5 tips to strengthening your "front line game":

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dagorhir featured on Wreckreation Nation (2009) [vids]


In 2009 the Foam Fighting organization Dagorhir was prominently featured on Discovery's Channel's show Wreckreation Nation. The footage was put up on to you tube and is quite enjoyable, it is nice to see foam fighting portrayed in a positive light and given such large scale exposure on national television. I think exposure like this can only be good for the foam fighting community as a hole. (click "read more" to enjoy the videos)

Monday, November 8, 2010

18 amazing LARP photos


Wile I am not a big fan of LARPing, and I don't go much further than good garb in my foam fighting game of choice, I do love to see the creativity show by some LARP-rs. I am not talking the silly, men dressed in tights with cat ears LARPing, I am talking good costuming and action (see above). Check out these photos!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Renaissance Martial Arts: The Web Documentary


The Renaissance Martial Arts: The Web Documentary can be found at The Association For Renaissance Martial Arts. The documentary takes a fascinating looks at ancient European combat and how it has evolved and degraded as time progressed. Bellow are links to all 10 parts.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Training on Team Fighting (SKBC Video)


I am a proponent that team skills are (in general) far more valuable than individual fighting skills. This is among my favorite videos of all time when it comes to FoamFighting. THe video is about basic unit and group battle tactics and the dynamics of field combat. (Click "Read more »" for video)

Friday, September 24, 2010

How to beat a shield in 7 seconds (vid)


Watch carefully, this two handed sword wielder takes out a shield man in less than 7 seconds flat. What were you saying about your skills again? :p  Click "Read more »" for videos

Monday, September 20, 2010

Amazing Fights (vids)


These are two of my favorite battling videos of all time, combining, some solid action, good skill, and decent videography and editing. Priceless. Click "Read more »" for videos

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Are Amtgard players terrorists?


The G20 was held downtown Toronto this year with all the standard G8 fan fair. The full time protesters that tour around following the big event, smashing windows and lighting fires (Canadian border "what is the purpose of your visit?" Protester "To smash a few windows, maybe burn a local shop to the ground", Canadian border "Welcome to Canada, enjoy your stay") and of corse the standard "more impressive than the last countries security" riot police. All in all it was a pretty normal G20.
But then the media demanded their standard "what the security overzealous?" questions, and the police brought forth a plethora of confiscated weaponry, machetes, crossbows and other dangerous weapons.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

25min to better spear fighting


Grumio's Spear Fighting tutorials are a fantastic resource for anyone who wants to improve or gain some spear fighting skills. In 4 videos he covers a lot of practical stuff, as well as tactics, tips and tricks.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

3 ways to be a better team player


Being a team is more than just sharing a name or a look, it is about working togather, here are 3 simple ways you can work togather with you unit mates better.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Are new low profile spears safe?


Low-profile spears, the latest trend in foam tech, are becoming more and more popular. The new pear type is proving very effective, and thus gaining popularity very quickly. The week long summer Belegarth event Chaos Wars saw a large amount of these new spears on the field this year.

Monday, August 30, 2010

8 videos to help get your sword and board game on!

Kato and Illiak sparring at O-fest 2004. Taken by AnThraxx
When your realm is so far away from connection with the rest of the belegarth world as ours is, it can be hard to progress and grow in your skills. Many new fighters have the benefit of being surrounded by skilled players that bring them up to a higher lever relatively quickly. But not everyone has these advantages so Magnus put togather a 101 basics on sword and board fighting, these videos proved incredibly useful to growing our skills out here in the cold north.
Magnus' Fighting Tutorials parts 1-6, and many of the parts consist of several videos.