Monday, March 28, 2011

Nerdy Game or Reputable Sport?


I found this article again in my wanderings across the internet and thought I should share it with you all.

"It is nerdy. This is hard to debate. Dressing in Medieval garb and playing make-believe may not fit everyone's definition of "cool", but the core of the sport proves to be much more than PVC and fiberglass."

Foam Fighting: Nerdy Game or Reputable Sport? is an article written by Stephen Jefferies for the Yahoo! Contributor Network in 2009. Read full article here:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Book Review: Battle Gaming: The New American Sport

"I will be recommending this book to all my realm mates and battle gaming friends. I expect it will end up in my practice bag so I can show it off."
     Shortly after I launched Pro Foam Fighter I was contacted by David Graham asking if I was interested in reviewing his recently published book 'Battle Gaming: The New American Sport'. I was pretty excited. I have never been asked to review anything for a blog before so naturally I (as enthusiastically as e-mail allows) said "yes." I had followed this book’s progress casually from time to time over the past few years. I am a strong believer that the more products, books, blogs and movies there are for the public to find the better it is for growing our beloved game. I am ashamed to say that I had intended to show my support for the book by asking for the book as birthday gift from my family but it had fallen off my radar screen until Dave contacted me, asking if I would review it (at which point he offered it for free, and how can I pass up an offer like that!?!).

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

3 Motivational to improve your fighting


James Keiller made a post on the facebook page this week, that reminded me of all the good motivational posters out there. These are 3 of my favorites:

Monday, March 7, 2011

Comic - Nice garb

(Click on image to enlarge and see it without the the side bars obstructing it)

"Only in Foam Fighting can you get totally beet up by a guy twice your size and then afterwords have a good discussion about sewing and fabric choices on the side lines afterword."

     I wish I could find the exact quote and who said it but It was a comment I read on a forum when I first started fighting, and it is this is the gist of what inspired this strip.